Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Discovering the Science Museum

Today Sam and I set out for our first trip to the Science Museum, thanks to free tickets from our trusty neighbor, Ted.  Thanks, Ted!

The building itself is just gorgeous and teeming with history.  Built in 1917, it began its first life as as "Broad Street Station," a grandiose train station reminiscent of Union Station.  After serving a huge hub during WWII and later struck by lightning in 1953, it became the Science Museum of Virginia in the '70s.  Anyway, I loved the building and the fact that many of the old railroad signs insignia had been preserved.

Sam was definitely a bit young for the place being only three-and-a-half.  (Note to self:  I guess that's why kids three and under are free!)  However, he did enjoy the exhibit downstairs called "Science Unplugged" where kids can build bridges from blocks as well as erect buildings and then see if they can withstand an earthquake.  Pretty cool stuff!  The added bonus was being right by the doors leading outside to the five or so antique trains out back.  Unfortunately it was a really cold day, but it was neat to check them out in all their glory for a few minutes.  It got a little trickier trying to get back inside since the doors locked behind us.  (Next time - remember to prop door open.)

The biggest hit was the gift shop where Sam announced, "I buy something now."  (He got his shopping gene from me.)   I was tempted to say no just so he doesn't always assume he is going to get something, which he apparently already does.  Oh well.  No Mother of the Year Award for me!  Once he came across the mini-spelunker's hat, though, I couldn't resist it -- or stop laughing for that matter!  Hilarious!  It's a kid-sized plastic construction hat with a battery-powered light on front, like a coal miner, just what every boy in Suburbia needs, right?  OK, maybe not.  Well, it was my attempt to boost the economy, one toy at at time.  (I can rationalize anything, you see.)

What do you know, but the next morning at the ripe old hour of 6, it actually did come in handy!  Before we could get the lights on downstairs, Sam had charged down there in the dark and was spelunking it up, exploring the "cave" and discovering a "wild animal" (our pudgy yet fierce kitty, Louise.)  So I'm ready to star in a remake of "Coal Miner's Daughter" called "Coal Miner's Mommy."  Move on over, Loretta Lynn!  I do promise not to sing, though.


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