Friday, March 6, 2009

What? No School AGAIN?

Say it isn't so, send me to the funny farm, or send me Supernanny!  Heck, while you're at it, I'd like all three STAT -- please.  I guess if I am trying to teach good manners, I have to have them, too, that whole consistency thing.

Sam has had no school at all this all week because of the snow.  All I can say without bursting into a string of profanity (this is a family-oriented blog after all) is that it has been one really loooooooong week.  Some highlights (or low-lights depending on your viewpoint) include Sam scolding me for scolding him, "That isn't nice.  Tell me you're sorry."  We both had to laugh at that one.   Then there was the other "precious" gem, "You're mean to me!"  Now where did he get that from?  I suspect that whiner Cailloux is the culprit.  I think it's time to phase in the Berenstain Bears and leave Cailloux in the dust!  At least Sister and Brother are respectful to their parents despite whatever predicament they are in.

Sam has developed into quite the budding painter, so we made a few trips to Walmart and Michael's to stock on up on paper, brushes, little white figurines, and lots of paint.  (Sounds really mean, huh?)  While we were at Walmart with the rest of humanity also supposedly "snowed in" and looking for some retail therapy, we happened to pass by the shower curtain aisle.  (There is an aisle there for everything, you know!)  Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted this really cute one covered with yellow rubber duckys, which he has always loved practically since Day One.  When I showed it to him, he took one look at it, and his mouth curled up in disdain.  ''That's for BABIES!" he exclaimed.  And that was the end of that, so needless to say the rubber duckys did not come home with us.  Instead we came home with one covered in tropical fish, much more fitting for the macho preschooler he is.  "I am preschooler, hear me roar!"

I don't know if I have ever looked forward to the Monday morning carpool line quite so much. I'm tempted to start packing his bag now just so we can be uber-ready to go come the Day That School Reopens.  I am Mommy, it's my turn to roar!   Is that so mean?  Don't answer that!


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