Sunday, May 17, 2009

The AMAZING Air & Space Museum

It's just embarrassing. I went to college AND law school in Washington, DC, and never went, not even once, to the Air & Space Museum. Just plain pathetic. Oh well. Today was a new day, and off we went! It was probably the most enjoyable road trip we've had since Sam has been in the picture. No, not just probably, it was. We seriously had a guardian angel working overtime for us -- smooth sailing all the way up there, which is nothing short of miraculous on 95! Then we got rock star parking right in front of the museum. (Here is a photo to prove it!)

Any museum would seem lame and tame after the Air & Space, except maybe the Louvre. What could compare with the original Spirit of St. Louis, the Wright Brothers' plane, a real moon rock, a huge simulated aircraft carrier, and a replica of the Lunar Lander, just to name a paltry few?

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