Tuesday, August 28, 2012

You Live in a Zoo -- at Nemocolin

Remember that good ole birthday song?  It goes, "Happy birthday to you! 
You live in a zoo!  You act like a monkey and smell like one, too!"

Well, if you stay at the Nemocolin Resort in Farmington, PA, you can come as close to living in a real zoo as you probably ever will.  We stayed in a townhouse surrounded by lions, tigers, bears, zebras, a buffalo named Snowball, and various and sundry other animals of the exotic type.   

Yes, lions and tigers and bears!  Oh my!  The rare white tiger alone was worth more than $30,000.  Now that's some pricey kitty!  Thankfully we did not end up smelling like a monkey, though.

Doesn't this guy above look like he has a diaper on?  I dare you to tell him that!  Chances are good that he will amble over you way with an ornery expression like this on his face.   Yikes!   Just busting your chops, Mr. Bear!  All in fun, right?  Maybe not.

Moving right along, we lost our hearts to this adorable two-toed sloth hanging out in his laundry basket.  (That is a one use of laundry basket I had never envisioned!)  Who knew sloths are so cute?    Why don't they sell stuffed sloths next to the teddy bears?

This guy had a good ole time just staring away at the ceiling.  If only we all could be so easily amused!


PS All photos were taken by the fabulous photographer, Loretta Sherwood!  Thanks, Lo Lo!

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