Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day Down!

Here is Sam's "Angry Birds" back-to-school cake.  Or is that just an Angry Sam not wanting to go back to school?  Don't worry, it takes much better that it looks!

Phew!  It's over -- the hype, the nervousness, and the anticipation that has been building up all summer.  Sam even thought about trying to hide in his room this morning.  He quickly realized it would be a bit difficult to pull off since he is 4 feet 3 inches tall and quite a big boy these days.

Instead he kept saying, "I don't want to go to school.  Why do I have to go to school?  Who invented school anyway?"  For that I did not have an answer.   Little geek that I was, I always liked going to school. (That is except for 3rd grade when I got bullied and was afraid to go to school.  That is a story for another day.)

On the plus side it was definitely easier than last year when we were all a bit more nervous.  Sam and I got to meet his new teacher last week, and she was fabulous.  She is really enthusiastic, has a neat blog, loves to travel, and already has a cute "passport" theme going for the year.  Woo hoo!  We loved his teacher during last year's kindergarten and had thought no one could compare.  Voila!  It happened right before our very eyes.

 As we approached the classroom door, his new teacher took one look at Sam and said, "You must be Sam!"  Wow -- she had studied and memorized the kids' pictures, all 27 of them!  Then it was followed up with a big hug.  Man, I was ready to audit first grade then.  I came to my senses quickly, realizing one of those little chairs wouldn't last until lunch with me sitting in it.  Oh well.  I can live vicariously through Sam!

At the end of the day, I wasn't sure what to expect, hopefully something good.  I figured I wouldn't get much out of him as usual, being a guy and all.  Usually he just bolts and runs home to watch TV while I linger to chat.  So it was a very pleasant surprise when he bounded of the bus, absolutely beaming and exclaiming, "First grade is WAY better than kindergarten!"  When I asked about this teacher, he said, "She's GREAT!"  Then he said that social studies was his favorite thing today even though they don't have it until tomorrow.  Hey, whatever works, right?

You just can't make this stuff up!  Here's to first grade and to the teachers who make it special!


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