Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Summer Is Long Gone...

Hello, fall!  Haven't seen you in almost a year!  Time sure does fly!  And the older I get, the quicker it goes.  Now that I'm accruing some years, so to speak, it seems like ti goes at the speed of lightning.   As much as I love autumn, I can't help but feel nostalgic about Summer 2012 gone.  POOF!

Ah, those lazy and fun-filled days of summer are gone, now just a distant memory with soccer practice, homework, and back-to-school nights to replace them.  It's as if the Big Man Upstairs flipped a switch, and perhaps He did.  Yee gads, all of a sudden, the weather has turned cooler, sunsets are earlier, and that God-awful humidity seems to have abated for a while.  Phew!  There are some advantages to the end of summer, humidity at the tippy-top of my list.

The first official day of autumn is September 22, but we know it has already happened. It's here.  After all the Halloween candy is out in all the stores, so it must be autumn, right?  Then again Christmas stuff has been out since July at the Dollar Store, so that may not be such a good measurement.

The other day I was wondering what the difference is between autumn and fall and referred of course to my modern Encyclopedia, aka the Internet.  "Autumn" is more of a British term, and "fall" is more American for the falling of leaves.  (Get it - fall/fall?)

Otherwise the terms are both pretty much interchangeable, but technically there is a slight difference.  Autumn applies the earlier post-summer portion like now, and fall comes later in October.

So hope you are enjoying your autumn season now and will enjoy full-on fall even more!


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