Monday, October 15, 2012

A Preppy Comeback

They say the 80s are making a comeback!  Well, even if they're not, I am starting the rumor now.  You heard it here first!  It all started with the preppy pumpkin from a pumpkin-painting party.

This was quite an accomplishment for me.  As you probably know, I'm not so great with the whole attention-to-detail thing or making things look pretty.  As much as I hate to admit it, it's just not me unfortunately.  Plus I'm not terribly artistic (read as: not artistic at all.)  Therefore I wasn't too optimistic about painting a pumpkin and/or having the results be anything that I would want to display to the world or even my neighbors for that matter.  Well, with much help and props from my very helpful friend Alston, the results were not too bad.  In fact, they are even better when you see the pumpkin at a distance from the street!  And I'm willing to bet it looks downright fabulous from a mile away, ready for a museum!

And here is last week's 80s party, the glory days of my youth.  A picture sure does say 1,000 words, huh?  In this case it may say a whole lot more than that, whether we want it to or not.  As you can see, I went the preppy route which for me was almost like not dressing up at all.  Everything I had on came from my closet.  In fact, I didn't even have to go to the attic, let alone Party Preppy City.

Well, at least I grouped things differently than I would have otherwise.  That shows I've progressed, right?  Haven't worn my collar up or a sweater tied loosely around my neck since way back ... the 80s!  And I don't wear hot pink pink and screaming kelly green together quite so boldly anymore.  Maybe that's why Ray-Bans have disappeared from the shelves.

Wait!  I just Googled Ray-Bans, and they are indeed alive and well.  Their 2007 ad campaign captured it all.  "Never pretend.  Never be afraid.  Never give up.  Never hide."  That's pretty good advice for anyone, especially middle-aged creatures of the 80s like myself.  I may just have to order some of those.  After all my 25-year college reunion is coming up!  What better way to look young than wearing the same clothes you sported 25 years ago?!

Alas, wish I had my Jams shorts from the Georgetown days (daze?), but I have a feeling that even a crowbar could not get me back into them anyway.  Some things are definitely better left in the 80s!


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