Sunday, October 28, 2012

Witchy Women

Last week I showed my witchy side to Sam's class.  Yes, I was the class "mystery reader" which was a hoot.  We read two Berenstain Bears books, Trick or Treat and Too Much Junk Food.  Then we read a super cute one called Luck of the Loch Ness Monster, A Tale of Picky Eating which we all loved.  (Without spoiling this story for you, it tells the story of how the Lock Ness Monster came to be.  One hint -- oatmeal played a pivotal role!)

When heading to school in full regalia, I thought it was such an original idea to dress up all witchy.  Alas once I arrived, I realized it was not so original at all.  As I was standing in the first grade hallway waiting for my cue to enter, I couldn't help noticing three other mothers who were also waiting.   Lo and behold they were ALL dressed as witches, waiting to go read in their kids' respective classrooms.

Since there are six first grade classes in total, a whopping four of them had a very witchy mystery reader that day.  Sounds like a coven to me.   I guess mothers really like tapping into their inner witch.


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