Monday, November 19, 2012

Very Thankful Halloween Candy

Thanksgiving is just a few days away.  That means Halloween has been over for a couple of weeks now.  Strangely enough, Sam still has a whole caboodle of candy left, despite the fact that he is a junk food junky.  Is he really my child?  Now when I was a kid, our candy wouldn't have lasted more than 48 hours max.  

Even more remarkable for Sam's caboodle is that it is sitting on the kitchen table in broad daylight -- in a bright orange pumpkin no less, ripe for the taking.  It's a perfect example of just how different his upbringing is from mine.  Since he's an only child, he doesn't think twice (or even once) about leaving his loot out in plain view for weeks on end.  As for me back in the day, my stash would have been hidden and under lock and key somewhere in Siberia before going to school on November 1.

Candy, anyone?  We'd just be helping him out -- it is going to get stale soon!  That candy sure must be thankful for the reprieve, but enough is enough!



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