Saturday, December 29, 2007

2008 Better Be Great!

OK, so I'm not much of a poet, but that captures my thoughts.  2007 has been a rough one for lots of people, not just Britney Spears.  For starters, one of my dearest friends lost her beloved mother which turned her life upside down emotionally, geographically and financially, while another parted ways with both her long-term boyfriend and what used to be the perfect job.  Don't worry, I'll stop there before I risk depressing you (and myself) any further.

On the flip side,  I am grateful for so many great things that happened for me in 2007 -- some as simple as losing that pesky baby-weight and running a 10K without arriving home afterwards in an ambulance.  On a deeper level, I've developed one of the most meaningful friendships of my life, watched my little dude move from babbling babyhood into a little boy who is more than half my height and can say, "Sam want Mommy."  And I'm  so fortunate to have a husband more supportive than I could have ever dreamed possible.  

However, I've got to say that the 2007 highlight has been truly finding God in my life, my everyday life, something I have never had before which has made me happier, stronger, and hopefully kinder and more forgiving to my fellow man.  (Of course, this is a work in progress, so don't expect angelic behavior from me all the time in 2008.)  For that I have a faithful friend to thank for both educating and encouraging me every step of the way, as well as my ever-patient husband.  

So thanks for the good times, 2007!   Let's take the good and try to leave the bad behind and let it go.  Bring on 2008!
