Monday, December 3, 2007

The Santa Crawl

Finally Sam is old enough to "get" the magic of Christmas, and I'm treasuring every nanosecond of it.  We have already bonded with Santa three times -- once at the mall, then on board the refreshingly uncommercial "Santa Train" over the weekend, and today at the Children's Museum.  They say three times a charm, but it is only December 3rd, so I'm sure I'll be charmed into buying many more sets of two 3 x 5 pictures for a mere $27.99.  Sucker!  Oh, well, I have wasted money on far stupider things for sure.  

So many laps, so little time.  Instead of a drunken Pub Crawl, we'll be doing the world's first Santa Crawl.  Perhaps I could write a guide book rating the various Santas in the area on friendliness, appearance, entourage, comfort of lap, and ability to deliver the line "ho, ho, ho" with a ring of authenticity.  Thankfully Sam is armed with not one, not two, but three Christmas sweaters to spread among his picture-taking opportunities.

I do wonder whether Sam will start getting picky one of these days.  "Sam want the OTHER Santa" or "Sam like other Santa's lap."  I don't want any Santas getting their feelings hurt or getting laid off or anything because of us playing the field, so to speak.  I don't remember ever going to see Santa as a kid.  I guess I was too busy walking to school barefoot in five feet of snow, each way of course.  It's a different world now, plain and simple.  That's OK, though.  I don't want to relive my childhood; I'm having too much fun watching him live his.  

Long live the Santa Crawl, now an annual family tradition.  Bring on the Santas!  Next Santa, please!


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