Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Little Parrot

It is really time to watch what I'm saying.  Lately Sam has been asking lots of questions about how babies are made and how he came into the world.  Jeesh, he is only 3 for crying out loud!  I thought I had a little more lead up time than that!  

I've told him coutless times that he gew in my tummy, but the other day he told me the "real" story about his arrival at the McNamee household.  "I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door, and you answered the door!"  Well, thank God I was home and not out rooting around the Dollar Store looking for bargains.  If only delivery was so easy!!  No need for epidurals, episiotomies, or a hospital gown when he just comes a-knocking on the door!

He's also been firing off the "why" question incessantly.  It goes something like this:

Mommy: "Sam, we're leaving for school in a few minutes."

Sam: "Why?"

Mommy: "Because school starts pretty soon."

Sam: "Why?"

Mommy:  "Because it's Wednesday, and you go to school on Wednesday."

Sam:  "Why?"

Mommy:  "Because God made it that way."

End of conversation.

So the other day I overheard him talking to his Thomas trains as I was cooking dinner. He explained in a patient voice to the gang that Toby the Tram Engine is brown because God made him that way.  That pretty much ended that conversation, too.

Then ast night I told him, "I'm so glad that God gave me you."  And his reply was, "And I'm glad God gave me that thing over there," pointing to his huge wooden Thomas trunk.  Well, at least we are both grateful for a prized possession.


1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

Love the "Ultimate Time Out" and will be looking for one of those this holiday season!