Thursday, July 22, 2010

Shower Time!

I truly never thought it would ever happen.  Sam has held out for five years, refusing to take a shower, no way, no how, no sireee Bob!  Leave it to the influence of another munchkin friend by the name of Grace.  SHE started taking showers recently.  Since she was quite nervous about the whole concept, her brilliant mother suggested she take an umbrella in with her.  Voila!  She is now a shower girl!

Not to be outdone, Sam decided he wanted to give his umbrella a tour of the shower as well.  With the shower on full force, he hopped on in there with his umbrella flared.  No, I did not have Rihanna singing
"Umbrella" in the background to complete the moment.  It sounded like hurricane-heavy rain on the roof.  Instead it was --- well, we know the truth.  After a while he announced, "I'm soaked!"  Well, in actuality the umbrella was soaked, and he was quite dry.  At that point, though, I was about ready to agree to anything, even ice cream and gummies for dinner into infinity and beyond.

He was ready to jump back in parasol-free when I whipped out some handy-dandy goggles, all part of my nefarious plan.  He hates having water in his eyes, so I didn't want all this effort for naught.  Big hit, big shower, big smiles!  Woo hoo!  He exclaimed, "This is so much better than a bath!  Nobody dumps a bucket of water on my head!"

Thankfully I refrained from saying "I told you so," but I sure was thinking it really hard.  Instead I said, "Awesome!  Let's leave the umbrella here to dry out for tomorrow!"



B-Mama said...

Oh, how I wish the boys would assent to this! We may have to try the umbrella trick! Thanks for the tip... :) Hope you all are having a great week. Blessings!

Hilary said...

I stick with the bath because I can get both of them in at the same time. They do like to shower in our bathroom -- it's bigger and there are two shower heads -- but I think the goggles might make things even more tolerable, especially during the hair washing. Thanks for the tips!