Halloween wasn't terribly eventful for us this year. It was fun, mind you, but the rain put a damper on the events -- quite literally. It started to rain right around 6 PM and finished raining by 9 PM when trick-or-treating was winding down for the night. A big bummer for sure, but at least it wasn't two feet of snow, right?
Sam and I hit a bunch of houses in the neighborhood, running into friends and even accidentally dropping in on a few parties. Oopsy daisy! Then after a wet while, Sam wanted to go back to our house to hand out candy. Great idea! At that point Daddy Mac was just getting home from work. He's been working constantly for months now with no let-up, one mega-stressful event after another. Even at that point, he was leaving work way earlier than he should have and would have to get up at o'dark-thirty and head to work to catch up. At least he was spared of the glamor of trick-or-treating in the rain. There's got to be some perks to being chained to your desk after all.
Sam poured out his loot with glee. Daddy Mac and I looked at our mound of leftover candy with not much glee at all, but we dug into it anyway. After all it was there, and so were we. Why waste Milky Ways when kids are starving in Africa? And pretty soon it was time to wrap up Halloween 2011 and hit the hay after a mellow night.
Little did we know the excitement that was about to unfold... At about 1 AM I woke up, needing to go to the bathroom. I really didn't want to get up, so I just lay there thinking about it, procrastinating. Then Daddy Mac got up, so I made myself get up, too, and headed down the hall to use the other bathroom. We've done this many times before, so no big deal.
When I came back down the hall, Bernie yelled at the top of his lungs something like, "WHO ARE YOU?" and lunged towards me. Needless to say I screamed at the top of my lungs, startling him, and then he yelled again. He didn't know that I had gotten up and thought I was a burglar, so he was about to tackle me. Then of course we laughed hysterically at our idiocy. Needless to say, it was awfully hard to go back to sleep after all of that fight-or-flight drama and being scared out of our wits.
On the bright side, Halloween was complete. We'd been spooked.
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