Sunday, June 17, 2012

School's Out for Summer!

It's hard to believe, but as the great Alice Cooper would say, "School's out for summer!"  Thank God the next line is NOT true, that being "School's out forever!"  Phew!  Just thinking of the possibility gives me the cold sweats.  That being said, it will be nice to have the Saminator around and not being tied to such a rigid schedule for three months.  Gulp.  Trying to be positive here.

Where did this year go?  POOF!  Just seems like yesterday that we were practicing going to the bus stop and even bringing a souvenir piece of tar back home with us.   Man oh man, this year has blown by faster than a speeding meteorite!   And now - voila! - he's a mature rising first grader!  Wait, I take that "mature"part  back -- he is a rising first grader, though.  It's hard to use the word "mature" for someone who thinks that the word "diaper" is absolutely hysterical!   (Isn't it?  No, not really, especially when you are changing one or have changed five within the last 12 hours.)  

The other day he asked me to tell him some of the bad teenager words he shouldn't say.  I told him he would find out when he got to be a teenager.  He said suspiciously, "I bet it's 'stupid!"  Ah, such innocence!  For now he still wants to hold my hand walking into Target and play a goofy game of Handy Manny tag at the bus stop.  I'm especially enjoying it because I know it will soon change.

Then a funny thing happened on the way to Sweet Frog's the other day.  (There's no forum around here, especially not one that serves frozen yogurt.)  As we were walking in, he held the door open wide for me, saying regally, "After you!"  Wow!  Was I ever amazed!  Was that really my little man doing that thoughtful act?  Then the next thing you know he was rhetorically asking, "Did you know that there are four kinds of hyenas?"  As a matter of fact,  I did not know that.  Now I do, though, and so do you!

Just think of all the other random factoids I'm bound to learn this summer.  School may be out for him, but I'll be auditing the School of Samisms.  Thankfully there are no grades.


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