Sunday, September 16, 2012

Super Shark Bait!

Doesn't that name "Super Shark Bait" fill you with fear?  That is the name of Sam's new soccer team.  Can you tell the kids chose it themselves?  As it turns out, five teams in the league have names that contain the word "shark."  I guess everyone's got the same good taste!

Sam played soccer last fall, too, but it was with a different league.  That league was great and well run, but this is a whole change of pace for the better.  The league is run by the company "i9" which also runs a bunch of different sport teams during the year.  I didn't know what to expect at the get-go, but I am so impressed!

The teams are much smaller so everyone gets to play all the time.  Yahoo!
There are no weekday practices!  Yahoo!
They meet every Saturday morning from 10-11 AM at the exact same place.  Yahoo!
The first half an hour is practice, and the second half an hour is a game.  Yahoo!
The field is cut in half, so kids don't get totally exhausted right away.
The player with the most "enthusiasm" gets a medal, and no one wins it twice.  An Enthusiastic YAHOO!
Parents are not allowed to yell at their kids at all during the game - and sign a pledge!  Double yahoo!
The kids actually have fun!  Bravo!

Let's hear it for i9 and Super Shark Bait!


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