Monday, October 22, 2012

Award-Winning Bottle Caps

Lately our beer supply has gotten quite low, dangerously low.   In fact, we've resorted to drinking the Pabst Blue Ribbon all the way at the back of the frig.  Beer doesn't go bad, right?  Lo and behold, I have discovered that PBR is actually quite good!  Who knew?  Sam is quite impressed as well but for an entirely different reason.  (At 7, he's still a little young for beer drinking, so he's got to focus on the aesthetics.)  He discovered a couple of bottle caps at o'dark thirty the next morning.

He's mesmerized by them, which he calls "award-winning."  Why?  It's because it has a blue ribbon on it!   (It took me a while to figure that one out!)  He has now started his own collection of bottle caps to pass on through the future generations.  Thus the pressure is on for us to drink more PBR.  Will do.  Glug, glug, glug.  In fact, he brought his prized collection (well secured in a ziplock of course) to soccer on Saturday to impress the coach, during the middle of the game no less.  (I don't think his plan was successful, just my hunch.)

It's time to stock up on PBR, folks!  What other bottle cap has won a blue ribbon for each and every bottle?  That is pretty impressive, I've got to admit.  Man, just wait until he sees the award-winning labels on every bottle!



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