Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Something Interesting

The trouble with writing a blog is that you have to come up with something interesting (or at least something remotely interesting) to write about every few days.  Sometimes Real Life is not really that interesting.  I've had a nasty cold/flu thing going on for a while now, our dryer broke, and we had to replace our hot water heater which included having to empty the entire pantry to access it.  See?  Not very interesting, but I'll take it.  Lulls can be quite nice.  Many people would be absolutely thrilled to have my "problems," not the huge ones they are dealing with right now.  I'm so blessed and grateful for it.

What else?  Daddy Mac has been working like a dog, presuming that dogs work very, very hard for a a very, very long time.  Louise has been sleeping a whole heck of a lot.  (See action shot below.)  As for Sam, he got his hair cut and has sprouted up even more.  I don't dare dress him all in green for fear of him being nominated the "Jolly Green Giant" of first grade.   My sister Deirdre is all married off and now on her honeymoon in Maui.  Ah, to be on Maui right now!

But back to reality!  Let's see...   Sam and I played "Go Fish" with this week's vocabulary words and have gotten hooked on the Judy Moody books, especially the ones starring her younger brother Stink.  Somehow I had a feeling that Sam and Stink would have a whole lot in common...

It's all good.  No news is good news, right?  Hope it is all good news with you!


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