Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Norovirus = House Arrest Plus

Oh man, trust me on this one, you so don't want the norovirus.  Be on the lookout for this icky affliction.  Its very name strikes fear into everyone, especially parents of the really wee ones.  There's lots of of vomiting followed by lots of diarrhea, then more vomiting and more diarrhea, and so on.  (You get the drift.)  It can even lead to severe dehydration and potential hospitalization.  Yikes!!  And there's no medicine for it -- you've just gotta ride the storm out.

I have no idea what this thing above is, but it has something to do with the structure of the norovirus.  Plus it just looks kinda cool.

Don't look now, but this poor guy's got it bad.  I bet he's about to hightail it to the bathroom.  Just sayin'.

Sam's had it off and on for the past week, all very strange.  For five nights he would wake up at 3 AM, get sick, and then be perfectly fine all the next day.  We kept racking our brains trying to figure out what new food he was eating that didn't agree with him or anything different at all.  Nope, nothing. Then it really set in, so we headed to the pediatrician who called it as norovirus with a slow onset.  But after three days out of school, it's time for this thing to pack its bags and say goodbye.  AND it is not welcome not leave its highly contagious germs around waiting for more victims.

So wash those hands, and wash them again!

In the meantime you will find me wandering around the house wearing yoga pants (with no intent whatsoever to go to the gym and not even pretending) and aimlessly drinking this home-brewed "tea" filled with powerful antioxidants...


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