Sunday, April 22, 2012


Have you ever heard of STOP HUNGER NOW, an amazing international hunger relief organization?  I hadn't until recently when a good soul at Sam's school started a fundraiser.  Yesterday it all came together with the elementary school kids working as teams packing up meals (well supervised by parent volunteers) to send to some hungry kids in impoverished nations overseas.  Recent recipients have been South Sudan, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, the Philippines, Belize, Haiti, Azerbaijan, Somalia, the Horn of Africa, Kenya, Afghanistan, and Zambia to name a few!   Phew!  Since their founding in 1998, they have provided $70 million in aid and 34 million meals  to 72 countries.

Once packed, each clear plastic bag contains one complete meal for one malnourished child.  Accordingly every bag holds the exact same food in the exact same amounts -- a pouch of vitamins, a cup of dry soy, a heaping spoonful of dehydrated vegetables, and it is all topped off with a cup of rice.  Then they weigh the bag before sealing it just to be sure it is all equal.  If it does come up light, they just add in a bit more rice.

Wow!  What an amazingly organized system!  It was also amazingly effective and left us all with an amazing feeling to boot.  It is hard to believe that it took less than two hours for us all to pack up over 11,000 meals!  After each 1,000 meals was packed, someone would hit the gong with a mallet.  Then everyone would cheer and get back to work with fresh encouragement to pack up some more food.  After we were done, there was a mad stampede of happy kids dying to hit the gong for themselves.  Sam managed to slink up there twice and create quite a cacophony.  Oy vey!

The most hilarious aspect of the assembly line antics was the "STOP HUNGER NOW helmets" that everyone was required to wear.  (Here's a hint:  they are more commonly known as hairnets in everyday society.)  Let's put it this way -- they were far from glamorous regardless of age, shape or skin tone!  However, they strangely added an element of comradery and togetherness as well as an extra level of hygiene, which can never hurt.  We had no idea we'd have so much fun looking quite so hideous!

Groups can host packaging events for ages 5 and up based on their fundraising amounts.  Each meal costs a mere quarter.  (That's almost half the price of a US stamp!)  People can also can donate cash directly.  Here's another option -- donate a car or boat!   Now that's what we call some creative giving!

What better cause than trying to end worldwide hunger in our lifetime?  STOP HUNGER NOW is especially inspiring because it has the ultimate big picture in mind.  However, it executes its plan one cup of rice at a time, which makes it so much more real for kids and adults alike.  Every heaping spoonful helps keep a hungry kid going for at least another day!   Woo hoo!

Their only advertising is word of mouth, so check out, their Facebook page, Twitter, and pass it on.  Spread the word!  Consider a packaging party of your own so you too can wear a STOP HUNGER NOW helmet and hit the gong on hunger!


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