Saturday, May 5, 2012

It's A-Growin'

It is truly hard to believe, but the vegetable plants are still green and still growing like....weeds!  This is nothing short of a miracle!  I just never ever thought it would ever happen, not for me anyway.  And I never ever thought I would enjoy the process quite so darn much.  In fact, I never thought I'd enjoy it at all.  To me gardening seemed nothing but b-o-r-i-n-g.  Buying potted flowers and possibly re-potting them was the extent of my gardening prowess.  Even then I was wary of them...

Now I realize more can happen in a garden in the course of one week than happens to most humans in a year or two.  Come to think of it, I haven't doubled in size since being a baby, but these guys are going gangbusters every day.  (Thank God they are doubling in size and not me!)  Jeez Louise, I'm downright giddy checking out the latest developments several times a day.  Serious dork alert!


The most amazing part of it to me is they all started from teeny tiny SEEDS!  Yes, just seeds planted haphazardly in the last 4-6 weeks, and seeds from Walmart at that.  Some were even from the $.20 rack.  Talk about a lot of bang for your buck!  Wow!  That is Bargain Hall of Fame material!

These sugar snap peas are incredibly tall and grow about an inch a day it seems.  Here they are growing these tiny tendril wispy thingies that connect to the other pea plants so they can help prop each other up.  Now that's what I call teamwork!  Mother Nature sure was clever on that one!  Tonight we even had a normal-sized salad with lettuce from the garden and even some to spare.  That is amazing!  After harvesting the "crop" as Sam calls it, I made sure to eat every perky little leaf!  Plus I can fully attest to no pesticides!  100% organic, baby!

Hopefully the plants will soon start growing some actual peas!  If not, it has been fun to watch the Tower of Peas grow.  The only reason it is not the Leaning Tower of Peas is because of that incredible tendril connection action!


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