Saturday, July 28, 2012

I Kissed a Stingray

Welcome to downtown Stingray City, a unique string of sandbars off the north coast of Grand Cayman Island.  Yes, it's another interesting "offshore" opportunity down there, but this one does not involve a bank and is amazingly gorgeous.  The stingray flock there because they love to "sunbathe" in the shallow waters.  Since the stingray flock here in droves, human tourists do as well.  It sure is the strangest sensation to have stingrays swimming down around your feet, rubbing up against you like a purring cat looking for a kitty treat.  Plus, they are extra friendly since they do this every day and, more importantly, because they know the guides are about to feed them some delectable raw squid.  Yum, yum!

The color of the water is downright incredible.  Are you sure they don't sprinkle aqua-colored food coloring there every night?  And cross my heart and hope to die, I didn't enhance the color at all.

 Well, Katy Perry, I have some news for you, girlfriend!  You may have kissed a girl and liked it, but I have kissed a stingray.  Yes, it's true.  And without further ado, here's the digital proof!

However, I'm not sure that I could honestly say that I liked  it, but it was quite a novel experience nonetheless.  How about that?  The stingray itself actually had the consistency of a portobello mushroom burger -- squishy yet firm.  Yick!   However, I don't know if the stingray was a girl -- perhaps it was.  Now that would have been a great two-fer.  Then I could issue my own remix version, aptly named "I Kissed a Girl Stingray."  I'd be happy to share all my royalties with Katy.  Halfsies perhaps?  Ah, enough of that pipe dream!   For the record I did pass on the "stingray hug" when the guide wraps the strange creature around your shoulders for another photo op.  Wearing a living shawl that feels like cooked portobello (and has a stinger) was a little too creepy for me, even if it meant another cool photo.

Ah, this heavenly sandbar now seems like one big incredible daydream as well.

Bye-bye, Stingray City!


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