Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Thunder, Lightning, Snow!

Gosh, the concept of this triple whammy seems like the ultimate in oxymorons.  Snow is coming down with thunder galore.  There's even some lightning thrown in there for some extra punctuation.  When you hear (and see) it happening, it sure sounds like an oxymoron, too!  What you're hearing doesn't match what you're seeing.  Waiting to see some pigs fly by the window anytime now.

For once school is cancelled for a real, immediate legitimate reason.  The snow has been coming down fast and furious for a while now, and the roads are actually really and truly bad.  Going out guarantees a Darwin Award nomination.  It's not just fear that it may get worse later on in the day.  Glad for Chesterfield County that it was such a clear cut call for once.  I don't envy them having to make those calls with no crystal ball to know how the weather is going evolve.

What more is there to say, but SNOW DAY!!  Possibly two or even three snow days?!  Now where are those dang snow pants anyway?!

Enjoy the clean white blanket on the world!!


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