Friday, September 19, 2008

Bye Bye, Nap!

"All good things must comes to an end."  Whoever uttered those pearls of wisdom probably had a kid who had recently given up his/her nap -- for good.  Bye bye, Nap, it is so hard to see you go. 

We have bonded every day for the last three years, you and I.  Day after day you have comforted me for hours during times of despair, you have often allowed me to take my own precious nap, and you've watched as I unsuccessfully try to cram eight hours worth of chores into two.  

You've seen it all.  Perhaps you know too much and that is why you must now go off and help another new mother out there struggling somewhere.  I'll try not to grab onto your leg to prevent you from leaving, but it's going to be hard.  I may cry as you go, but in five minutes I'm sure to be distracted by some sort of mess, calamity or maybe just the telephone ringing with another telemarketer hawking his wares. 

Each day will be easier as I learn to wobble on my own two feet, I know.   Hopefully someday I won't feel like I need you anymore.  Then I can announce to the world, "I can do it by myself!"  But for now, I feel like some stranger is ripping me out of your warm embrace.   Nooooooooooo.

Goodbye, dear Nap.  And from the bottom of my heart, I thank you. 


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