Friday, September 12, 2008

Pirate Training -- AARGH!

Yo ho ho and a sippy cup of apple juice!

It's fall and time to get serious about studies once again.  With the Saminator's ongoing pirate business/obsession, we decided it was high time for him to get some official training in his chosen field.  We want his "AAAARGH!" to sound authentic after all, not like some suburban Richmond goody two-shoes.  

So we are sending him to Romp N Roll for an honest-to-goodness pirate class.  Sure, it's on land, of course, at a strip mall "gym" for little tykes.  Hey, with a little imagination he could be churning on the high seas, reading a treasure map with a furrowed brow and a parrot named Polly perched on your shoulder.  

Can't you just feel that pirate spirit coming on?  Yo ho ho and a sippy cup of apple juice!  No need for new school shoes.  Hope they don't forget to take off his Crocs so the rug doesn't get dirty there, right, Matey.  And pirate parents need to remember to wear socks -- and sign the release!  But the best part of it all is that it is DROP-OFF, the first we've ever done, so no socks for us!  It is only 45 minutes long, but the new Dunkin' Donuts happens to be right across the street.  That's enough to have me say, "Yo ho ho and a venti latte please!"  


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