Sunday, April 15, 2012

A True Stay-cation

This past week was spring break, and for a number of extraneous reasons we ended up staying local for most of it.  At the very beginning Sam and I took a fun overnight trip to Staunton, and then Daddy Mac and I went to Williamsburg this past weekend.

For that week in between, though, it is was 100% stay-cation through and through.  In fact, we barely left the confines of the neighborhood and mostly were in our house and yard, even importing incredibly cute knight playdates.

You see, left to his own devices, Sam is the biggest homebody I have ever encountered.  Unlike his mama who loves to go just abut anywhere at least once, he just loves to --- stay home!

Yes, he is supremely happy to stay home day after day after day and play with Legos and Beyblades (a highly commercialized and overpriced top), watch TV, play some more Legos, and then get onto for kicks with bricks.  Here he is disguised as "Mr. Boxhead:"  How did I ever recognize him in that get-up?  A mother's intuition, I guess.

And here's his pirate ship made out of old Goldfish boxes and a wrapping paper tube with the help of his first mate Louise, the swashbuckling kitty.

For the first few days, I really enjoyed it too -- a slower, more leisurely pace, a chance to hang out with old friends we rarely get to see for long, and time to work on our newly "budding" garden.

After a few days, though, I thought even he would want a change of scenery.  No sireeeee!  Dang, was I ever wrong on that front!  With the exception of a brief foray to Dunkin Donuts first thing in the morning, he couldn't get enough of being at home.

Even today he didn't want to do a couple of errands with me (and get a Happy Meal to boot) because he just wanted to "stay home and relax" for his last day of spring break.  Seriously? Relax?  After 8 days of being cooped up?  Or it may have been 9, but who's counting?

Now that stay-cation is over tomorrow finally, I am ready for my own kind of vacation -- to vacate the premises and venture out onto Midlothian Turnpike and beyond!   All the while I'll be cranking up the Go-Gos, "Vacation, all I ever wanted.  Vacation, had to get away."


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